Saturday, March 30, 2013

Top 10 Android Photography Apps

I love me some little green robots. Yes I do. I also love art. And Photography is a particularly easy outlet of personal expression and creativity. Android is the most popular OS for phones even more popular than iPhone cuz most people can't afford to spend thousands every month on iPhone replacements cuz they're crappy. (why do you think you see only iPhone cases in stores XD)

Now if your an artist with an Android smart phone you probably want to take pictures. So this list is gonna help you start a great selection of post processing effects, filters and overlays so you can express yourself! Best part is they're all free!


Cartoon Camera

This is a neat little camera effect that takes pictures that look like cartoons.they bold the lines and soften the colors to make these effects.some of them require you pay for the effect but there's plenty of effects to play with.


Little Photo

This simple app gives you a nice range of effects one that particularly interested me was the multiple exposure effect which lets you blend two pictures together and you can get a nice ghostly image with it. Theta lots of nice things in the app but it limits the number of effects you can do at a time and the GUI is kind of poor. It basically needs improvement but other wise its pretty good.


Fast Burst Camera

This app lets you take several pictures at rapid motion so you don't miss anything or if you want to edit then together to make like a stop motion effect or montage what have you. Out makes it to 8 in this list cuz it doesn't do much more than take pictures really fast


HDR Camera

If your a photographer you know how easy it is to over do an hdr and how common it is that people do it. This app lets you take hdr pictures automatically and uses a pretty smart algorithm to do it. Once again the thing is though that it only serves one purpose..

Otaku Camera

This is a fun app. It lets you edit or take a picture then edit it to make it look like a manga book page. Lots of fun overlays to play with and it thickens the lines and whites it so it looks like paper. The only negative is that it doesn't do that well at turning the original picture into the manga paper version.



This app lets you do effects, overlays and even fancy borders when you take a picture or load one. Its got some effects you'll probably want like a sin city effect for reds and a cool blue skin effect. The bad thing is it has some addons that cost money that aren't even that good and are available elsewhere for free. Another issue is that it pixelates when you try to use its camera. So i would either use it and hope it comes out right in post or just edit Ann existing photo.



This one lets you take cool pictures or edit existing ones. My favorite is the toy cam which lets you make toy looking pictures using different techniques mostly using miniature faking and high contrasts. Its instant camera has a high shutter speed, its got a fishbowl effect, and its normal + can make your photos look more professional.


Pics Art

This is a great photo editor that has done great effects and uniquely it karts you put all kinds of stickers on your pictures which is great for kids. It also has some cool effects that you don't find in other apps like the paper effects which can make it look like your pictures on a brick wall or wood fence and it does it really well. Other things is it does really well at photo repair for things like blemishes and red eye.



My personal favorite editor for borders overlays effects and filters it definitely gives you the best range of just got to download them and they're all free. It does allot. 0_0



A must have for any artist. It of great for sharing your pictures.its basically a photographers social network like photobucket for desktops. It also has a range of effects. I had to put this as number one cuz I'm obsessed with it. I upload everything to it.

So that's you're list hope that gives you a start in Droidography XD. Now go out and take some amazing photos!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nosferatu reviewed

Nosferatu symphony of horror
1922 silent film
Directed by F W Murnau starring max schrek as count orlok (they couldn't get the rights to use count Dracula or even the word vampire for that matter)
I'm gonna start with this one and I think its a grand choice cuz its often considered the  first horror film ever made and it was horribly cheesy and that means it defined cheesy horror imo.

The film starts off with a young man being persuaded to sell a house to a vampire and he ends up visiting Draculas castle in Transylvania and having his wife lusted after by a sick vampire who brings a death plague to an unsuspecting village.

The story progresses very slowly and the background music makes it even more drab. An interesting thing about the movie is throughout the tellings a book called the book of the nosferatu is being read to you to teach you how to defend against them. The costumes were very Victorian London except the big Kahuna count orlok who is dressed in stilts a long nose pointy ears and the fakest webbed claws you've even seen! Roflmao!

If you don't have the patience to get through to the end you probably shouldn't watch this movie. It's kind of boring at first but picks up at the end when nosferatu (spoiler alert) brings the plague.

Its definitely not up to modern standards where people can't hold their attention more than 15 seconds. No joke. But i enjoyed it and its a classic that i think every classic horror zombie has to see at least twice.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

How to become a horror buff

This is a basic 3 step process.

Step 1: research
Step 2: watch
Step 3: repeat

That's right it's like washing your hair... No? You don't get it? Ok becoming then.

So if you wanna be a horror buff you need to know horror. Research horror genres. there's plenty! There's classic horror that's your creature from the black lagoon,  the evil brain from outer space stuff like that. then there's cult horror which can be classic or modern these are your most known horrors like night of the living dead, the blob, wolf man, Dracula, exorcist anything well known. Then there's scifi horror that's your radioactive slime and aliens and stuff. then there's psychological thriller that's your crazy person movies like shutter island, the ward some say the shining ect. There us also slasher horrors like Friday the 13th, Halloween, nightmare on elm street. The list goes on and on. get to know your genres it's the first way you interact with a film.

Then you have to watch the films. do this over and over if you have to! Go to Walmart and buy a 50 film collection for $5! That's not much and it gets you started! You could get a Netflix subscriptions and Keep renewing it with different emails idc just watch some movies man. That's the best way to be a horror buff just know everything about every movie ever made in horror. Look on YouTube!

Then repeat. To be a buff you have yo continuously do it. Go see the movies when they come out watch them on TV there's so many horror films its hard to watch every single one all at once. You could be an expert at paranormal thrillers like paranormal activity and night of the demons or whatever but if you don't know the classics our refuse to watch zombie movies then other horror buffs won't take you seriously.

So get out there and be a nerd! =B

How to lose weight. The healthy and the unhealthy way.

So i recently lost 15lbs I'm 20 yrs old, 5'5 140lbs. I'm not a big guy.. I lost the weight I'm a month and apparently that's not normal. I don't have any gall stones i don't think.. So here's how it happened:

I got this job and im poor right now so i was skipping meals. I skipped lunch every day and sometimes dinner and sometimes even breakfast. I just didn't have food or money. After 2 weeks i moved into a hotel and started walking like a mile twice a day once in the morning once at night. And that's all i did! I've been burning off more than I've been gaining so i get thinner and stronger. I've been eating mostly vegan aside from the occasional egg for breakfast cuz my mom got me eggs for some reason...

That's the unhealthy but acceptable way.and it's important that if you wanna lose weight your burning off more then you put on. So exercise allot. walk to work. walk to school. walk to the store. And don't eat excessively! Another good tip is if you're hungry but it's not meal time drink allot of water or have a small snack with the water. It's probably psychological hunger. Then I've heard keep your meals all at the same times each day.i don't do that but there you go. Then eat healthier have fresh foods have variety exercise portion control. I eat chow mein made out of ramen and cabbage. ours not healthy but at least i was eating.. So you can do it healthfully or not it still works. Cheers.

Tripping on a fever

It's common knowledge that fevers feel funny and can cause strange occurrences. Call me morbid but i love having a fever. The chills. The jitters. The audible and visual hallucinations. I actually enjoy being sick if i have a mild to normal fever. Too much can be painful of coarse.

There's just something about fevers can are just fun. You get to do nothing all day I'll see really cool looking monsters and for some reason circus performers go figure. Dubstep sounds amazing and i just sit in a chair all day usually trying to get better but also trying to enjoy it while it lasts.

Sometimes you got responsibilities though. I was in college a while back and i had to go to class for like an hour twice a week for 3 different classes and i had a fever. So it's Saturday 11am and I'm going to the street fair with my friend to go buy Alice in Wonderland pins, Tarot decks and goblin plushies and all that cool stuff and i started seeing this jester dressed in maroon and black just randomly popping up here and there idk maybe it's a spirit maybe it's a hallucination who cares right?!

So I'm going to class and this jester is appearing on my paper then my vision blurs and i start seeing spirals on the white board and i can't see the lecture notes but I'm sitting there giggling and before i know it everyone looking at me but they have no faces i honestly don't even know if they were really looking at me so i just get up and say professor I'm leaving. I'm tripping on a fever and you guys look carayzzeee man. And that was that.

I left and came back the next fast aced the test and no one said a thing so i don't even know if i was in class that day really. Cheers! Have a good day!

Welcome to the show!

I find myself being a casual blogger. I'll write down poetry or quick thoughts and rants in various journals and now I am prepared to show you a bit of my darkness. I'm not astutely sure what i will put in here but i find myself thinking of top 10s, howto's, opinions and reviews, random releases and of course ramblings.

Through my career as an internet viewer i find that i myself and others are attracted to news, creative works of intellect and insight into the minds of others in search for their own enlightenment be it how to handle a situation our someone just telling the truth about something. So if you're one of those people i feel you I'm that way too and i can give that to you.

I love cheesy classic horrors with a passion. The kornier the better! If you like the classics like i do i hope to spark discussion about each film and so forth or even introduce you to a couple!

If i don't post foot a while bug the crap out of me and i should listen. If i get a fan or two I'll be satisfied. ^_^