Sunday, March 3, 2013

How to lose weight. The healthy and the unhealthy way.

So i recently lost 15lbs I'm 20 yrs old, 5'5 140lbs. I'm not a big guy.. I lost the weight I'm a month and apparently that's not normal. I don't have any gall stones i don't think.. So here's how it happened:

I got this job and im poor right now so i was skipping meals. I skipped lunch every day and sometimes dinner and sometimes even breakfast. I just didn't have food or money. After 2 weeks i moved into a hotel and started walking like a mile twice a day once in the morning once at night. And that's all i did! I've been burning off more than I've been gaining so i get thinner and stronger. I've been eating mostly vegan aside from the occasional egg for breakfast cuz my mom got me eggs for some reason...

That's the unhealthy but acceptable way.and it's important that if you wanna lose weight your burning off more then you put on. So exercise allot. walk to work. walk to school. walk to the store. And don't eat excessively! Another good tip is if you're hungry but it's not meal time drink allot of water or have a small snack with the water. It's probably psychological hunger. Then I've heard keep your meals all at the same times each day.i don't do that but there you go. Then eat healthier have fresh foods have variety exercise portion control. I eat chow mein made out of ramen and cabbage. ours not healthy but at least i was eating.. So you can do it healthfully or not it still works. Cheers.

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